About Books 4 Inspiring

 The purpose of “Books 4 Inspiring” is to direct you to quality literature that I have found both enjoyable and inspiring.
“How can a book inspire you?”      
In many ways.   
A book’s message and themes can inspire you in the way you live your life and in what type of person you become.
A well-written book can inspire you to write well. If you read enough well-written books, then you gradually and almost inadvertently learn to recognize what good writing looks like, what bad writing looks like, and how to emulate the one and avoid the other in your own writing.
For the most part, what you can expect to see on my blog are book reviews of some of my favorite books. Many of these books are ones that I have read in the past; others are ones that I have read recently and loved almost immediately.
These reviews will usually be accompanied with some “Inspirations 4 Writing.” Once you have read the book I reviewed, go back to these and see if anything I have said, coupled with the inspiration you may have gathered from the book, prompt you to write something of your own.

Read. Think. Be Inspired!
