This is the enthralling story of Manolo, a boy who is expected to live up to his family legacy and become a Spanish bullfighter, like his father, the famous bullfighter Juan Oliver. But all Manolo has inherited from his deceased father is his looks; his heart lacks the same love and passion for bullfighting that his father once possessed, and almost his entire village possesses. In fact he is quite terrified of facing a bull. Manolo confronts two choices: to live up to the expectations of the on-looking village of Arcangel and become a bull-fighter, or to pursue what he actually desires.
I think this story, though short, goes quite deep. Should one do something because everyone else expects you to do it and because it is tradition? Should you give into what is popularly called peer pressure? It takes much more effort and bravery to go the opposite way of a culture or popular fad then it would to just go with the stream. I think that all who read this book will relate to Manalo in his search for courage and will watch breathlessly as he finds himself on the precipice of choosing his future and his destiny.
Story Prompters
- Write a story about someone who is struggling with the choices of either going along with everyone else or going against the mainstream. Make sure that what the character is facing is worth standing up for; do not have him or her protest for the sake of being contrary.
- Delve into the emotions of your character and describe them in a realistic manner.
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