“Princess Academy” tells the story of young Miri, a girl named after a pink mountain flower. She lives with her family in a small village on Mount Eskel. Everyone works in the rock quarries mining a valuable rock called Linder; everyone except for Miri, that is. Her father has forbidden her from working in the rock quarries along with every other able-bodied villager. As a result, Miri grows up feeling like a useless burden to her father and to the village. Then the news comes that in one year the Prince will be choosing his bride and that his bride will be one of the girls from Mount Eskel! Miri, along with the 19 other eligible young women of her village, are taken to an academy where they will learn how to think, look, and behave like princesses. Miri sees this as her chance to truly be someone of importance, but her heart is torn by the conflict between these new desires and her love and longing for Mount Eskel.
This Newbery Honor winning book is a poignant tale that revolves around such subjects as friendship, home, family, and true love. I was awestruck by the profound thoughtfulness and careful usage of adjectives Shannon Hale used in writing this fantasy novel. She showed rare skill in involving you emotionally with each character’s lives. As I read it with breathless anticipation it was as if I experienced Miri’s hopes, fears, and confusion. Hale also vividly describes Mount Eskel, and I found my imagination drawn to this beautiful mountain that Miri and her village call home.
Inspirations 4 Writing
Keep up the great work, you are inspiring many!
ReplyDeleteThanks mom! You are my inspiration in so many different ways!